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Radishes! What to do with them besides slicing them thin and throwing them onto a burger, salad, buddha bowl, or burrito bowl? Pickle them!. Then throw them into all those things!!
My hope is to avoid seemingly wildly tone deaf in this post. With Covid-19 THere’s been some major criticism regarding bloggers seeming as if there’s nothing unusual going on in the world and promoting productiveness, positivity and happiness. I listen to a lot of podcasts and it seems they’re all peddling this message. Honestly I just can’t get down with it. You have the right to feel how you want, and be as unproductive as you want. It’s a weird time and it’s okay not to finish your novel this month. It’s understandable that *all of us* need time to feel the way that we feel.
As always, I hope you are all well, safe, and healthy. If you’re feeling as if you’re not being as productive as usual, and you’re watching way too much television, and your kids are way over on their daily screen time limit, just know that I’m with you, and it’s really okay. That is, it’s okay in my book.
Also, I want you to know - I've been designing my recipes with pantry staples and customization in mind.
Since the craziness of this pandemic, I’ve been listening to what everyone wants. Quick (healthy-ish) food, made with pantry staples, and all. the. deliciousness.
And a surprising one: a way to extend the shelf life of your vegetables. Pickling, quick pickling specifically, is so easy, effortless, and it’s the perfect way to extend the shelf life of your vegetables.
Radishes are underrated, in my opinion. You all know I like vegetables, like a lot, and this particular vegetable is no exception. Radishes are loaded with vitamins E, A, C, B6, and K. Radishes are also high on antioxidants, fiber, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, and manganese! And they’re so affordable, if that kind of thing is important to you (it is to me).
More of a reason to include some radishes, especially of the pickled variety,
This method requires little to no skill, a handful of things, a jar or two, and you guessed it--some radishes! Feel free to adjust this recipe as you need to, you certainly can half this recipe. Feel free to riff on the spices based on your own arsenal of them.
Please let me know your thoughts in the comments and give this recipe a star rating and comment. Also, please follow me on IG @plantsdish and tag your creation #plantsdish. For more plant-forward content, follow me on Pinterest!
Pickled Radishes
- 2 16 ounce mason jars
- 1 pound radishes about 10-12 small radishes
- ½ cup white vinegar
- ½ cup apple cider vinegar
- ½ cup filtered water
- 3 tbsp maple syrup or honey
- 4 cloves garlic minced
- 10 peppercorns
- ½ tsp oregano
- Slice the radishes into thin disks (discard the tops and bottoms), as thin as you can get them! Then place them into two 16 ounce, sanitized mason jars.
- In a bowl, whisk together the vinegars, water, maple syrup (or honey), minced garlic, peppercorns, and oregano. Set aside.
- Pour the liquid over each jar, splitting it evenly between each jar.
- Screw the lids on tightly, and place them in a dark pantry for 5 hours. Then, place into the fridge overnight. The radishes will last for three weeks or more.
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